Friday, January 27, 2012

Preparing for Your Color Appointment

Preparation Will Lead to Better Results
Any Hair Stylist will tell you, when it comes to coloring hair,  the fewer variables they have to deal with the better the outcome will be. If a client comes in and their hair is completely unprepared for a color service, the process can be longer and there is a smaller chance that the result will be as fabulous as it would otherwise be.  To guarantee a better result for yourself and avoid additional costs of unexpected preparation treatments, it's smart to take a few extra steps to prepare for your appointment before stepping into the salon.  Follow these few simple steps to properly prepare for the hair color treatment you've scheduled for yourself.

1. Avoid Hair Conditioner
In order to permanently color your hair, your stylist must penetrate your hair shaft to deposit color pigment. The process involves opening up your cuticle to deposit or remove color.  The easier it is to open your cuticle, the easier it will be to deposit the pigment and less damaging the process will be on your hair. A difficult to open cuticle may result in more damage to the structural integrity of the hair and a less permanent or rich result. Many people don't realize that the purpose of their hair conditioner is to actually close the cuticle. A tightly closed cuticle will make the hair shaft more smooth and reflective and provide that healthy shine and silkier feeling. However, a tightly closed cuticle is quite counter productive to the hair color process. Clients should try avoiding using hair conditioner for at least 1 - 2 days prior to a hair color appointment.  This will enable you to come in with a less tightly closed cuticle and make it easier for the color to penetrate your hair shaft to deposit the color pigments.

2. Clarify
A few days before your appointment, use a clarifying shampoo. This will remove any buildup and "clean the canvas" so to speak so that your color is more vibrant and true. 

3. Avoid Scalp Irritation
Your stylist will do everything they can to ensure a great salon experience for you including making sure you are comfortable. No one wants to experience an irritated scalp during a hair color treatment that may only lead to heightened irritation during the treatment, blow drying, and styling process. It is a good idea to not scrub, scratch, or otherwise manipulate your scalp for 1 - 2 days before your hair color appointment. If you are experiencing any scalp irritation, you should let your stylist know before the service begins.

4. Go Natural
During your service, your stylist will wash, condition, dry, and style your hair. To begin the process, they will have to remove any tangles, braids, twists, or any such styles to your hair and begin with a natural canvas from which to start. In order to save time and trouble, avoid having any tight styles in your hair before you arrive at the salon. Your stylist will appreciate it and be able to do a much nicer job.  If you must come to the salon with styled hair, opt for something lose and manageable that can be quickly removed or washed out. Avoid tight braids, kinks, or tangles.

5. Select Your Colors
Professional hair color is as much an art as it is a science. There are so many paramaters to deal with that you must ultimately trust and rely on your stylist's individual creativity. Remember that they see clients all the time, have a deep understanding of what colors are going to look best with your skin tone, eye color, and facial structure; and should be used in a consultancy capacity to guide you through your selection.  However, also keep in mind that your stylist is not a mind reader. Ultimately, you will have to be happy with your hair color and to do that, you must have a good idea of what you want.  Before your appointment you should look through magazines or online photos to select shades and tones that you like. Bring these photos with you to your appointment. Be prepared to show them and describe why you like them. Be open minded to feedback and guidance and work with them to determine what works best for you. Be as open minded, bold, or conservative as you like. Make sure your hair color is an expression of who you are and what you want to look like. But overall, have fun and enjoy the experience!

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